

Writing Begins in Your Head

So where do we start writing? Let’s begin in your head.

One of the many things I get asked about the process of writing is how to get started. Many people are like the proverbial deer in the headlights when it comes to beginning a piece of writing, and they freeze. This leads to frustration, and many people never get started.

When I tell them that as a former newspaper reporter, I was often asked to write 20-inch breaking news stories with less than 15 minutes before press time, they wonder how that can be done.

I always start with what pops in my head as I begin a story. Sometimes I’m in a humorous mood, and the content lends itself to a few punny jokes. That happened when I followed a ghost chaser and found out that a spirit made fun of me.

If it’s a tragedy such as a house fire, respectful is the way to go. Look for the person at the scene who grew up in that house and has happy memories, or the neighbor that remembers when a president visited way back when. There’s your lead. As I’ve said before, find the human element and go with it—that’s what speaks to your readers.

Another trick is to never sit down at your computer to write without the piece at least partially written in your head. Some of my best pieces of writing came together on a long commute to work, or at 2 a.m. when I’ve sat bolt upright in bed with an idea that won’t go away. I write this blog on a Monday, and most of it was written in my head over the weekend. Of course, when you get good ideas, write them down on a sticky note or put a note in your phone so you’ll remember it. Those ideas will cultivate and grow from there.

Whatever your trick, write! Sit down, take out a piece of paper, and freewrite about your topic. Always keep a pad of paper with you. You’ll be surprised about the great ideas that fall out onto your pad.

Happy writing!



John Palmer