

Use your voice and talk to me!

One of the most common problems I find with a lot of writing is the overuse of what I call "flowery" language or words. For many of us, this is a habit learned well back in grade school when our English teachers taught us how to write "academically" on our term papers.  By using too many words that the average reader either doesn't know, or doesn't bother looking up, you wind up messing up your message.

Listen, I say you gotta be yourself and find your own voice.

See what I did right there? I wrote to you in the same way I might speak to you if I ran into you on the train. I wouldn't tell you about how my friend Jerry "opined" that the Red Sox are better than the Yankees. I wouldn't tell you about my weekend hanging out with my friends, and how we "commiserated"  about my buddy losing his job. We hung out, and we showed sympathy, and we helped him feel better. Tell me about that, in your words.

Now, this isn't to say that some writing shouldn't be academic. Certain research articles and academic journals adhere to very strict style guidelines. Fine, but the next time you have some style freedom, try adding a little humor or dialogue to the piece. Practice by getting a tape recorder and reciting your piece first.

Write to me as if you were talking to me.


John Palmer