

Meet Judy: Mom, Sensei, and Professor Emeritus

We all have certain people in our lives who we can say inspired us to become as great as we are. Be it a professor, best friend, or life guru of some sort, we all take our inspiration from someone.

I take a lot of crap from the woman shown here, because she's always taken a lot of crap from me. She is my mom, Judy, and those who know her will tell you she's a ball of fire and kittens all wrapped in one. She is the person who has always kicked me whenever I got lazy.

Without a doubt, she will be on the phone with me within 20 minutes of this blog posting, telling me she really enjoyed my blog, but that I should use the word "has" instead of "have" somewhere, because I didn't catch the error.

That's been who she is since I was a kid; my copy editor and my coach, encouraging me to be better by showing me that I'm not perfect. Perhaps more than anything, she has taught me how to check myself, not only in writing and editing but also in many different avenues in life.

I'd like to say thank you to Mom here, but I can do that in 20 minutes when she calls.

John Palmer